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Live With Eternal Perspective Podcast

Live With Eternal Perspective Podcast

Welcome to the Live With Eternal Perspective podcast! I’m Terri, a wife, married to my high school sweetheart, and a mom who has raised two sets of children over two generations. One of them now lives in Heaven, one is married with a son, and two still live at home. My hope is that you will envision my arm around your shoulder as you listen to each podcast episode. I’m here to encourage and equip you to live with a perspective that envisions eternity in the everyday because I believe we can choose to see God in moments that seem ordinary until we train ourselves to expect extraordinary. He is present. My prayer and purpose is that as you listen to each episode, your heart and mind will fill with Biblical truths and tips. Each show is crafted to bring you nearer to Christ and equip you to become a set-apart woman of God. Let’s be honest, life can be hard, but guess what? Struggles are meant to be laid at His feet daily. I believe that despite what society teaches, you are not enough. You weren’t meant to be, but through Him, you are beautifully strengthened. One of the hardest struggles Christ-following women face is total surrender. Being a believer isn’t simply admitting Jesus is real. Whether you struggle with identity, esteem, anxiety, or allowing emotions to guide your feelings, God’s Word holds promise, truth, release, and relief. Maybe you struggle with guilt over having little time for God. Or perhaps you wish you could strengthen your relationship with your husband. Does the state of our culture leave you frustrated about how to raise children who know Jesus? Or do you wish someone would guide you in maturing the faith of your child so their relationship lasts into adulthood? Mothers need an intentional plan to raise children to follow Christ over culture. We need a way to mature the faith of our children so their relationship with Jesus (and us) lasts into adulthood. Maybe you carry bitterness, neglect, frustrations, or unforgiveness. There is freedom and fulfillment through Jesus. The Live With Eternal Perspective podcast will lead you to live with Christ in the center of your heart, mind, and spirit, guiding your actions and reactions. As you learn to live with eternal perspective, your family will draw nearer to Him and to you. You will build healthy connection with Christ, your spouse, and your child that will last into eternity. Then you will truly be a set-apart woman of God with a connected family in the ways God desires. I have some suggested next steps: 1. Visit my website: terrihitt.com 2. While you’re on the website, grab your free 31-Day Scripture Journal to jump-start prioritizing time with Jesus. You’ll also find many other free resources to help deepen your walk with God. 3. Contact me for a 30-minute complimentary coaching call to see how I can help you live with an eternity-driven perspective. 4. Coming soon: Set-Apart Woman Collective – email me at info@terrihitt.com for details on how you can create a set-apart life centered on Christ.


  • Change from a Good to Godly Woman and Mother Change from a Good to Godly Woman and Mother Play in Edifi Player

    Change from a Good to Godly Woman and Mother

    On this last episode of the Live With Eternal Perspective podcast, we discuss how to move from being a good to a godly woman and mother. The closer we move to God, the clearer we see that good can never be enough for God. https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- eternal-perspective-podcast-episode-153---change-from-a-good-to-godly-woman- and-mother

  • Praying Scripture Part 1 Praying Scripture Part 1 Play in Edifi Player

    Praying Scripture Part 1

    Have you discovered the power found in crafting God’s words and truths into prayer? Our Father delights in blessing families who invite Him into their midst by using His holy words. Today we will discuss methods to prepare your heart and mind to connect with intimate devotion by crafting your language to align with scripture. Read the Episode: https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- …

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    How to Know Truth in a Mixed-Up World of Pride

    The Bible tells us that pride goes before a fall. The month of June has become a bombardment of daily pride, but God’s Word is clear about pride and the agendas of this world.  Today we discuss where to find truth in a mixed-up world of pride and remember the holy power that God’s Word holds. Read the Episode: https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- eternal-perspective-podcast-episode-145---how-to-know-truth-in-a-mixed-up- world-of-pride

  • Life Lessons Through my Dog Life Lessons Through my Dog Play in Edifi Player

    Life Lessons Through my Dog

    Scripture reveals that the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Does that mean we can learn lessons from animals, too? I think it does. Today we discuss one way God reveals Himself through pets and how we deepen praise through the instruction. Read the Episode Here: https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- eternal-perspective-podcast-episode-144---life-lessons-through-my-dog

  • Prayer Prayer Play in Edifi Player


    Relationship with God is a mutual and emotional connection requiring our commitment and diligence in order for it to flourish. Establishing a deep prayer relationship with the Lord will align our heart and desires to His, strengthen our core belief system, and dictate the future of our faith journey.  Discover more ways to build a solid prayer foundation and establish an abundant walk with Him. https://www.terrihitt.com/transcriptions/live-with-eternal-perspective- podcast-episode-018-prayer …

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    How Do My Actions Reflect God to Others?

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    Why Should I Seek Jesus Early in the Morning?

    The way we prioritize our time shows our character and desires. What we set- apart to complete first becomes habit if we are consistent over time. Jesus spent His life in active pursuit of what would bring Him closer to God. You may wonder if you must seek God early in the morning. If you don’t will you offend God? Does not seeking Him early constitute a sin? Today we discuss examine Scripture and answer these questions. Read the Episode Here: …

  • How to Identify False Teachers How to Identify False Teachers Play in Edifi Player

    How to Identify False Teachers

    False teachers claim self-love, materialism, reincarnation, new age practices, earn your way to Heaven tactics, prosperity preaching, and more that goes against God’s Word. Those in need of filling a void inside will listen and respond with eagerness to this shiny new hope. Today we discuss ways people may be deceived and how believers can be better equipped to discern and detect false leaders. https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- …

  • Are You Really a Christian? Are You Really a Christian? Play in Edifi Player

    Are You Really a Christian?

    Although only God knows the heart of every believer, there are important fruits Christians carry that should be visible to the world. Today we discuss areas all believers struggle with and examine how to ensure we live in ways pleasing to Christ. https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- eternal-perspective-podcast-episode-139---are-you-really-a-christian%3F

  • Christ The Master Builder Christ The Master Builder Play in Edifi Player

    Christ The Master Builder

    Believers know that Christ is the foundation of the church. Jesus is the reason we worship, why we give praise. We cannot lay another foundation other than what has been established by Christ’s sacrifice, love, and obedience, but do we live like it? Today we discuss Scriptural truths and tips to help us remember why we must build our hope and trust on Him. https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- …

  • Renewing Inwardly Through Christ Renewing Inwardly Through Christ Play in Edifi Player

    Renewing Inwardly Through Christ

    Although our fleshly bodies waste away, the spirit of the renewed Christian should be strengthening through the work of Christ inside. Today we examine steps believers should take to ensure that we continue to renew inwardly daily. https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- eternal-perspective-podcast-episode-137---renewing-inwardly-through-christ

  • How to Thrive as a Christian in a World of Unbelievers How to Thrive as a Christian in a World of Unbelievers Play in Edifi Player

    How to Thrive as a Christian in a World of Unbelievers

    Professing to be a Christian used to be something respected, tolerated, and trusted. Now it seems the most outspoken are those who despise or reject God. Many people don’t even share the same opinion of what a “Christian” is. Today we discuss ways believers can better represent Christ in a world of unbelievers and witness Jesus reaching the hearts of those set against knowing Him. https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- …

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    May It Be As You Desire God

    Without understanding and insight from God, personal wisdom may become worldly knowledge rather than true godly instruction. Our perfect mentor to follow in every area is Jesus. Today we seek Scriptural truths and ponder personal questions to lead us more securely into His arms. https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- eternal-perspective-podcast-episode-135---may-it-be-as-you-desire%2C-god

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    You've Trusted God With Eternity - What About Today?

    One of the basic, but challenging situations believers can struggle with is choosing to trust Jesus with eternity, but struggling to trust Him for this day. Today we focus on reasons this might happen and cover Scripture to sustain and empower us through Christ every moment. https://www.terrihitt.com/livewitheternalperspective-transcriptions/live-with- eternal-perspective-podcast-episode-134---you've-trusted-god-with-eternity ---what-about-today%3F